
March 10, 2016



Przyjechał mój egipski elf
Moje serce stanęło w pół stuka a poziom endorfin skoczył o 1000%

Finally arrived to Egypt!!! Im soooo happy!!
Im completly crazy about ‪art and‬ jelewry of Chanoja l decided to order this beauty for me ‪‎tribal‬ magic‬ - lm in ‪‎love‬

l can' t even think today about something else. This woman is a genius !!! I see inside my soul and all feelings what l have to ‪Egypt - my joy and my ‪destination‬, ‪‎moon‬, sun, redsea ‪‎life‬ and ‪death‬ , l adore‪# postmortemphotography‬ ‪postmoreportraits‬ from XlX century so you are mine my sweet ‪‎egyptian‬ elf ‪